Disabled Emergency Relief Benefit
Because the Canada Disability Benefit was announced during the Throne Speech of September 23, 2020, and that C22 became law in June 2022, became in force in June 2024, and is not expected to start helping them until July 2025 at the earliest.
In BUDGET 2024 the Canada Disability Benefit was finally funded. $1 Billion per year will not help millions of people. It’s actually estimated to help just 600,000 by 2029. However conditions are to be met. They aren’t disclosed yet, and Primarily, the disabled Canadian must have the Disability Tax Credit (DTC).
The most recent PBO costing report estimated the Canada Disability Benefit would help AT LEAST 276,000 Canadians but up to 1.4 million if they self-declared their disability and was not held to “Regulations”.
Again, The budget is describing 600,000. However, the budget is $6 Billion for 6 years. This doesn’t make sense since the PBO estimated $2.1 Billion per year for over half the amount of Canadians.
DERB.CA was initially designed as an outreach for the Emergency Benefit, now it’s mission is to point out the inequalities and expensiveness to do so little. Showing Canadian efforts for Petitions, Articles, Resources and more. With no advertising or misleading sources.
Past Petitions
Initiated by Mary-Jean Belanger from Chilliwack, British Columbia.
Signatures collected: 1,266
Initiated by Jeffrey Salisbury from London, Ontario.
Signatures collected: 3,247
Initiated by Jeffrey Salisbury from London, Ontario.
Signatures collected: 6,396


Sign and Spread The Word
Initiated by Brent Frain from Victoria, British Columbia
Parliamentary Petitions to the Government of Canada
for DERB spread because of you.
Did you know that Private Members Bill C-403 is not about a highway? It’s actually about leveling the playing field for who can qualify for the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) and possibly even the Disability Emergency Relief Benefit (DERB). If you support this bill, let your MP know!
Find the latest information here…
Canada releases Budget 2024 and the $6 Billion for 6 years, half the cost estimated by the PBO.
B.C. opens the door for clawbacks from the CDB
Petition: e-4777 has ended!
CLOSED: Have your say! The Canada Disability Benefit Online Engagement has begun!
Parliamentary Budget Officer releases Canada Disability Benefit Tool for costing estimates
How employers can tackle misconceptions about disabled people in the workplace
BNNBloomberg: Disability benefit will enrich insurers: Lawyer
It will be many months before Canada’s new disability benefit is ready minister vows to get it right

Have your say…
Let us know how you feel and if you have a lived experience you want to share.
Email us at stories @ or fill out our form here.